Elements of 4D_brendon

 The first element of 4D art is time, time is considered the 4th dimension, there are many forms of time. Time can come in forms of architecture, light, movement and even sound. Time even has experienced time, running time, biological time, and digital time. 

Sodastream by Roderick Buchanan

I found and enjoyed this peace as it show the different types of today bottles and in the video, he drops them creating a mess from the bottles. showing how throughout time, even if the bottles or drinks may change they are all still the same. It's a way of showing a 3D object becoming a subject to time.


Title: LowLands

Artist: Susan Philipsz

Link to video: https://youtu.be/UWeKzTDi-OA

Sound is an integral part of life, it is a form of communication and many daily life characteristics revolve around sound, and many humans and animals depend on sound to live. It can be used to give access feelings and warnings. Even the antithesis of sound, silence, can do many of the same tings sound does.

There are many forms of sound, such as; synchronized sound, which is when sound is timed up to the visuals to add affect or change perspective on something. There is even non-synchronous sound, which is sound but the visual is not visible to the viewer, either at all or yet. And last is asynchronous sound, sound that doesn't match the visual at all.

Then there is diegetic sound, sound that you see and know is coming from something or a character, like a narrator. But there is also non-diegetic where you know what the sound is but it's not obvious where it is coming from, or it has no reason to be there.

The artwork I've chosen above is Lowlands by Susan Philipsz. It was an artwork installed under bridges, speakers playing her voice singing a song. I liked the eerie vibe it gave, just a women's voice echoing through a bridge with no body, just voice. It surrounds the listener, enveloping them in sound. A different way to present art.
