Time is an element of 4D art that is described as events that progress over the past, present, and future. According to the article, Time can be categorized in a few types: Experienced Time, Measured Time, Biological, Running, and Digital. These are examples of how humans experience and perceive reality. Like when we use watches to tell what time it is, or when one need to use the restroom, it's then time to use the restroom.

This is work from a Russian GIF artist named Evgeny Skidanov, who uses Photoshop and 3D Max. I like the symmetry of this specific work and detail in the wings. As well as the colors of the logo and how it makes the work look futuristic. This GIF is an example of 4D because it's a motion graphic. I learned that a good way to tell if art is time based is if you see some sort of passage of time like movement.


Sound is the element of 4D that deals with vibrations that are detectable by our ears. Sound can be categorized in a few ways, with one of them being Synchronous. Synchronous sounds are the sounds we can hear and see where the source is coming from. Like seeing a steaming kettle whistle.

How Sound Artist Creates Intricate Patterns With Noise

ARTIST: Steve Mould

This is an example of Synchronous sound, where the artist uses couscous on a metal plate and a bow to vibrate the plate and couscous. The couscous then takes the shape of the vibrations. I like how it introduces you to the concept of sound having a physical shape that affects the world around you. Because of this fact, Sound is an important element of 4D art. I learned that vibrations can make shape and that you can't really separate that from other elements of 4D.



    Movement is an element of 4D art that is defined as a shift in location of an object, light, or sound. Movement can also be sort of implied where there's something that points in a certain direction that leads our eyes somewhere else.

(110) 인사동 키네틱 아트샵 기정아트 Kinetic Art Shop in Insa-dong, Seoul, South Korea - YouTube

ARTIST: Unknown

These are Kinetic artworks in a shop that I found while visiting Insadong, South Korea over the summer. I'm glad to find a video about it because this was what I thought of when thinking of Movement in art. The shop is really small, and the works remind me of steampunk, which is why it originally caught my attention.
