Project 3_Audrey Konkle



    Schmalz, E., Melvin, E., Diana, Z., Gunady, E., Rittschof, D., Somarelli, J., Virdin, J., & Dunphy-Daly, M. (2020). Plastic pollution solutions: Emerging technologies to prevent and collect marine plastic pollution. Environment International, 144, Page 1. 

Since its popularization in the 1950s, plastic use has skyrocketed due to its benefits to societal health, safety, and energy. However, due to plastics’ longevity and resistance to de- composition (their widespread use has led to an epi- demic of mismanaged waste. Over 7,800 million metric tons (MMT) of plastic. By 2015, annual plastic production had approached the combined weight of the human population, and it is estimated that 150 MMT of plastic were circulating in the marine environment as of 2016. Furthermore, experts estimate that up to 10% of plastic debris produced will enter the sea and that plastics will outweigh fish in the ocean by 2050. 

Song: Running with the Wolves - AURORA


   I used the dip to black, film dissolve, and keyframes with opacity as my transitions. 
