Project 3_Emma Wiliford


Meo, Aldeghaither, et al. (2019). Effect of motor vehicle pollution on lung function, fractional exhaled nitric oxide and cognitive function among school adolescents. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 23(19), 8678-8686.

sections of text used in project:

"Environmental pollution is a global leading
health problem, affecting ecosystems and human
health. Motor vehicular exhausts have become a
substantial source of air pollution and are major
causes to climate change"

"Motor vehicle activities cause combustion of
fuel, abrasion, and the weathering of pavement
materials, which can release fine pollutants into
the environment 2 ."

"Exposure to motor vehicle pollution demon-
strates a relationship with decreased lung func-
tion and cognitive function among students who
study in schools adjacent to motor vehicle pollut-
ed areas. "

song: Istanbul (not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants

transitions used: cross dissolve, opacity, position, scale.
