Project 3_Sage



Hampton, J. O., & Hyndman, T. H. (2019).Underdressed animal-welfare issues in conservation. Conservation Biology33(4), 803–811. 


Much progress has been made toward assessing and improving animal welfare in conservation. However, several glaring knowledge gaps remain where animal-welfare concerns exist but animal-welfare studies have not been performed in politically sensitive contexts.

A pertinent example of the discrepancy in standards of animal welfare between research and operations is the use of neuromuscular blockers for chemical immobilization of feral donkeys for operational Judas animal control programs in northwestern Australia. An NMB immobilizes animals via paralysis rather than sedation or anesthesia. As such, they exert no effects on the central nervous system; hence, animals are conscious during immobilization and can feel pain and stress. Neuromuscular blockers have a low therapeutic index, meaning that overdosing is difficult to avoid and when it occurs can lead to asphyxia and death 

Strains of myxomatosis and rabbit calicivirus have been released in Australia for rabbit control. Myxomatosis was accidentally released from a research facility in 1950, a first strain of RHD was released in 1995, and a modified RHD strain was released in 2017. Both agents may infect rabbits at the same time or predispose rabbits to infection with the other. The physiological and behavioral changes caused by RHD prior to death last around 12 hours whereas myxomatosis may cause suffering for 2−4 weeks.

Song: All Star 
by Smash Mouth

I used a lot of keyframes and also the dip to black transition. I also utilizes a plethora of fonts and colors to create interest.
